Gait Analysis
Premium Gait Analysis Service in the Heart of Chelsea.
What is Gait Analysis?
Gait analysis is a method for identifying biomechanical abnormalities in the gaitcycle – in other words it’s a way of assessing the way in which you walk and run, producing a precise analysis of how your body is moving.
Identifying and addressing gait abnormalities and asymmetries is crucial as they can indicate underlying health issues.
- Identify and correct pathomechanical dysfunctions
- Assess and improve athletic performance and design new footwear products
- Measure change after treatment
- Ensure effective offloading to reduce plantar ulceration risk
Innovative pressure measurement technology provides unique insight on foot function and gait, helping you determine the root cause of problems in the lower extremities.
Meet Our Podiatrist
Miss Alaa Razak MChS, MSc, BSc (Hons), BSc (Ord),
Director of Kensington Podiatry
Musculoskeletal Podiatrist and Clinical Lead
Our podiatry service assesses patients with foot problems or those who have medical conditions such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis that puts their feet at risk of developing further complications.
Surgery is performed under a local anaesthetic by the podiatric practitioner and patients will have their initial assessment and post-operative appointments.
How is Gait Assessment conducted at our medical clinic in London?
What is Video Gait Analysis?
Video gait analysis is an advanced technique utilized to evaluate how an individual walks or runs. With the help of high-definition video recording and analysis, healthcare professionals can identify any abnormalities present in their gait pattern. This technology helps in providing a precise diagnosis and personalized treatment plan, leading to better mobility and decreased pain. Whether it is for athletes looking for performance enhancement or individuals struggling with walking difficulties, video gait analysis provides useful insights into biomechanics, enabling targeted interventions for improved overall health and well-being.