
Christmas Wellness Tips – By Natalia Otero Sancho

Holiday season is around the corner and with excitement comes anxiety for those who are
concerned about how to keep their health goals on track.

Traditional Christmas meals are mostly full of gluten, dairy, sugar… and alcohol.
However, you may be surprised to learn that even if you suffer from health conditions
(diabetes, autoimmune disease, metabolic syndrome…), you can still enjoy most of your
Christmas traditional dishes by following a few tips shared below.

Before moving on to these tips, here is a Reminder:
Keep in mind that if you suffer from a specific health condition, it is very important to carry on
following your diet restrictions. If in doubt, ask your nutritionist or physician.

Structure your day

Find some time to MOVE: go outside everyday, do some brisk walking (for at least 20
minutes) to build up stamina, burn calories, reduce stress hormones and boost your
feel-good endorphins.
Research suggests that it is good even for your gut microbes! Which are crucial for your
digestive function and overall health. Ideally, walk first thing in the morning to kick off your
day – without sunglasses so that the sunlight can hit your retina – this will impact your pineal
gland and hormones to keep your internal clock in check for a good quality sleep and optimal
overall health!

Kickstart your gut the right way

Start the day with organic apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in a glass with warm/at room
temperature water – always dilute it in water to prevent tooth enamel damage. The benefits
of this drink are eased digestion and better blood sugar balance.

Eat Regularly

Do not skip meals to save calories or carbs, just avoid snacking and keep your turrón,
polvorones, Xmas pudding, panettone …for after your main meals in order to reduce the
spike of sugar.
Leave at least 4 hours between your meals.

Always start your meals with the good stuff

Fill out your plate with veggies and protein and, if you really want to indulge, leave the
pre-natal nibbles (canapés, crisps, bread, alcohol…) for last. This way you will eat less of the
stuff that causes those extra pounds.

Start your main meals by “chewing” some bitters (rocket leaves, asparagus, chicory, kale…)
to help secrete digestive enzymes and HCL (gastric juices) and 1-2 bites of protein to help
lessen the glycemic load.


Some supplements might give you some extra help to prevent/relieve bloating, reflux and
support your liver – ask your health practitioner what can be appropriate for you.

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