Dr Fathima, tell us a good story?
Diary of a Paediatrician
So I had two cases of babies who fell out of [Are these really good for your posture? What about your post-delivery body? The precious body, which is still recovering from pregnancy and…(wait for it) childbirth? What about the dads that carry babies like this?]
Well , so the story goes – I was untying baby – (both my patients were less than a month old) and she slipped out of the grasp of the carrier…and my hands.
And what next?, you may ask. Is it important to act responsibly and get these babies seen by a doctor? Or is it not necessary, because you have had a look at your baby and you feel baby’s physique is okay…ish?
Well, the honest answer is – a baby under a month, who has been injured, is a different creature from your other children, the neighbour’s child and every other child mentioned on the 100.000 Google searches (which I’m sure you have conducted nearing to a panic attack, especially if at the most inconvenient time for you to get to a Dr. In fact, you are at a birthday party, Sunday brunch with your sweethearts, on your way to your local hair salon to get a new coupé, or its just too late to try to find a doctor or AE with a wait shorter than the most uncomfortable 4 hours on dot), and the list continues.
Mummies and daddies, you might want to note it down this time – the baby needs to be seen and examined by a DOCTOR.
Preferably a Paeadiatrician, who has trained in neonates (the study of babies under 28 days of age).
The baby needs to be examined – a clear history of the fall needs to be documented, and then the Paediatrician may opt to do X-rays of limbs,or a CT Scan of the child’s brain, and all other too-complicated-to-even-pronounce procedures.
After assuring the baby is fit and well – no serious harm done – you may return to the brunch table, or any other regular weekday activity…sharing stories of falling babies.
Stay tuned for more, if you are interested in blogs like this, as well as answers to 4 questions on the top of the page.
And more about my daily work as a Paediatrician!
Ciao for now yummy mummy’s!!
Dr Fathima Mahomed – Consultant Paediatrician